Thursday, March 19, 2015

Patience is a Virtue (a very difficult one at that)

     Okay, so I'm a pretty independent gal. I'm always on the go and like to take matters into my own hands most of the time. I like to get things done quickly and in a way that best fits my schedule, but I mean who doesn't?! However, 9 times out of 10 this way of approaching tough decisions, relationships, or life in general is unsuccessful. My failed attempts to do things on my own timing, along with hasty decisions, have revealed to me something Jesus has been putting on my heart, which is the being patient.
     Patience is the ultimate test of trust and a big struggle for many people. In today's society, we tend to think we know what is best for us and that our timing is the best timing. Reality check people, we don't know know half as much as we think we do. The only one who does is Jesus. HE knows what is best for us and HIS timing is perfect. A lot of the time we are just too wrapped up in doing things OUR way, that we are completely blinded of the fact that Jesus has it all figured out already. So while we are struggling and trying to figure out how to make things work out how we want them to, a lot of the time he is trying to tell us to trust in him, be patient, and rest knowing that he's got it mapped out perfectly.
     Many times, we are very aware that the God's got it all worked out, yet we choose not to listen or handle situations the way we know he wants us to...simply because we would rather do it our way (aka the easy way.)  Believe me friends, I know how it feels to find something so great and just want to plan out in your head how everything should go. You just want it to work out perfectly and you want it to work out as soon as possible...but honestly, what's the rush? This whole sense of rushing into things and choosing your(personal and more desired) way over Jesus' only leads to failure. I promise you that if you are obedient and patient and give Jesus control over whatever it is, the results will be so worth it in the end. I believe this with my whole heart!
     Unfortunately, so many times what Jesus wants is for us to be patient and HOLY COW can this be hard. Waiting is not my specialty, and I'm positive many can relate. I mean for goodness sake I get antsy waiting in the grocery store line. It's hard to accept but sometimes we are just meant to simply wait. This can cause us to feel like our lives are at a halt or that nothing is being accomplished. The truth is that sometimes during this time of waiting  more is happening in our hearts and lives than we even know! In the words of C.S. Lewis, "I am sure that God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for him to wait."  This is good stuff people! If you're in a season where your patience is being tested, hang in there and focus on the fact that it will be so worth it in the long run. Giving Jesus control of your decisions, being patient with him, and trusting in his timing will lead to greater results than rushing and attempting to handle things in your own way. Besides, the things worth having are worth being patient for...can I get an amen?!

Hope this encourage you today!


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